Thursday, February 21, 2013

Marzel and Ben-Ari Break Their Silence - Yeshiva World News

It did not take too long for members of the Otzma Yisrael Party that did not get into Knesset to break their post-election silence. Former MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari and Baruch Marzel spoke out, expressing their feelings of anger and frustration, betrayal and concern. The Otzma Yisrael party fell 9,000 votes short of the required 67,000 vote minimum threshold to enter Knesset.

They speak of how ?we warned you? and that now, they are compelled to speak out before it is too late, condemning the agreement between Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid. They used harsh words in their condemnation of Bennett?s decision, which they feel represents Bennett?s betrayal of his voters. They feel that Bennett has ?crossed all acceptable lines? and his decision to team with Lapid is simply ?suicide?. They stress ?We did not err in listening to our rabbonim, who instructed us to run independently and not join forces with Bennett?. Ben-Ari explains that without their party, there was no ideological party to vote for.

?The chareidi parties have proven they have no loyalty to Eretz Yisrael, as was seen during the Disengagement and other processes that have claimed many lives as well as bringing rocket attacks to the outskirts of Bnei Brak.?

Ben-Ari believes that Bennett?s pact with Lapid ?endangers Eretz Yisrael?, pointing out that former National Religious Party leaders Effie Eitam and Zevulun Orlev embraced Lapid?s father Tommy, entering into a coalition that was harmful to the chareidim. As a result of that agreement he explains the Ministry of Religious Affairs was shut and jurisdiction for rabbinical courts moved from that ministry to the Justice Ministry. The Torah world suffers as a result. The split with the chareidim he explains permitted Ariel Sharon to move ahead and evict the Jews of Gush Katif and Northern Shomron, and today, that split is widening as we see due to Bennett?s poor leadership.

The two explain that by the time the NRP broke from the coalition it was too late, simply a symbolic gesture at that point. They feel the new NRP, with Bennett and Orbach at the helm, is simply making the same mistakes as their predecessors ? cutting ties with the chareidim and turning their backs on the Torah world. ?We will protect the Torah world and you protect Eretz Yisrael is the ?New Testament? between Bennett and Lapid, which will harm both the Torah and Eretz Yisrael.?

?To our sorrow, this is just the beginning for the voters who supported Bennett wanted new politics, and they got a policy that harms Torah and the Land.? They urge Bennett supporters to compel him to break away from Lapid before it is too late, and it is indeed close to that point.

The two have harsh words for the chareidim too, especially Yahadut Hatorah which appears to have turned its back on the yishuvim and turned the residents of these communities in the new enemy. The two point out ?They tried to persuade Chabad that the extra seats required by Yahadut Hatorah would make the difference for those loyal to Eretz Yisrael, and today we see a different reality.?

The two continue to blast the actions of Yahadut Hatorah, the utter betrayal and breaking all the rules to advance their agenda.

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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