Thursday, February 28, 2013

Deutsche Telekom Q4 net profit hits $1 billion

(AP) ? Deutsche Telekom saw net profit recover to ?793 million ($1.04 billion) in the fourth quarter as the telecoms group declared it was "on the offensive" with new investments in higher-speed networks.

Despite the improved net profit, against a loss of ?1.34 billion last year, global sales declined 1.4 percent to ?14.71 billion ? and sagged 4.1 percent in the U.S. market, where the company is trying to turn around its business with the help of a merger with mobile provider MetroPCS Communications.

Deutsche Telekom's U.S. business has struggled because it lacks the scale and efficiencies of larger competitors. An attempt to sell the division to AT&T was blocked by anti-trust authorities. Meanwhile its traditional German landline business has seen customers leave for competitors or to go mobile-only.

Excluding one-time effects and financial items, fourth-quarter earnings decreased 13 percent to ?4.03 billion.

For the full year, the Bonn-based company lost ?5.25 billion ($6.88 billion) due to a ?7.4 billion writedown on the merger of its T-Mobile USA division with MetroPCS. The loss compared to a net profit of ?557 million in 2011. The company said it would keep its dividend at ?0.70.

The company reported some successes such as the increase in demand for smartphones in its large home market, Germany, and the first rise in customers at its US business since 2009. But overall revenues declined 0.8 percent to ?58.17 billion.

Deutsche Telekom shares rose 0.7 percent to ?8.18 in morning trading in Europe.

Associated Press


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Syrians find makeshift homes in ancient structures

AAA??Feb. 28, 2013?1:47 PM ET
Syrians find makeshift homes in ancient structures

Nihal, 9, puts olive tree branches inside a wooden stove at an underground Roman tomb which they use shelter from Syrian government forces shelling and airstrikes, at Jabal al-Zaweya, in Idlib province, Syria, Thursday Feb. 28, 2013. Across northern Syria, rebels, soldiers, and civilians are making use of the country's wealth of ancient and medieval antiquities to protect themselves from Syria's two-year-old war. They are built of thick stone that has already withstood centuries, and are often located in strategic locations overlooking towns and roads. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Nihal, 9, puts olive tree branches inside a wooden stove at an underground Roman tomb which they use shelter from Syrian government forces shelling and airstrikes, at Jabal al-Zaweya, in Idlib province, Syria, Thursday Feb. 28, 2013. Across northern Syria, rebels, soldiers, and civilians are making use of the country's wealth of ancient and medieval antiquities to protect themselves from Syria's two-year-old war. They are built of thick stone that has already withstood centuries, and are often located in strategic locations overlooking towns and roads. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Sami, 32, center, speaks with his children at an underground Roman tomb which he uses with his family as shelter from Syrian government forces shelling and airstrikes, at Jabal al-Zaweya, in Idlib province, Syria, Thursday Feb. 28, 2013. Across northern Syria, rebels, soldiers, and civilians are making use of the country's wealth of ancient and medieval antiquities to protect themselves from Syria's two-year-old war. They are built of thick stone that has already withstood centuries, and are often located in strategic locations overlooking towns and roads. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Nadia, 53, makes bread on a wooden stove, at an underground Roman tomb which she uses as a shelter with her family from Syrian governemnt forces shelling and airstrikes, at Jabal al-Zaweya, in Idlib province, Syria, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013. Across northern Syria, rebels, soldiers, and civilians are making use of the country's wealth of ancient and medieval antiquities to protect themselves from Syria's two-year-old war. They are built of thick stone that has already withstood centuries, and are often located in strategic locations overlooking towns and roads. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Syrian children, walk out of an underground tunnel that their father made with a jackhammer for shelter from Syrian government forces shelling and airstrikes, at Jirjanaz village, in Idlib province, Syria, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013. Across northern Syria, rebels, soldiers, and civilians are making use of the country's wealth of ancient and medieval antiquities to protect themselves from Syria's two-year-old war. They are built of thick stone that has already withstood centuries, and are often located in strategic locations overlooking towns and roads. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Sobhi al-Hamod, 60, lives with his family at an underground cave used for shelter from Syrian government forces shelling and airstrikes, at Jirjanaz village, in Idlib province, Syria, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013. Across northern Syria, rebels, soldiers, and civilians are making use of the country's wealth of ancient and medieval antiquities to protect themselves from Syria's two-year-old war. They are built of thick stone that has already withstood centuries, and are often located in strategic locations overlooking towns and roads. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

(AP) ? Like countless other Syrians fleeing their country's civil war, Sami was eager to escape the bombs and artillery shells falling on his village. But instead of taking his family to another country, he simply brought them underground.

For the past seven months, the family has lived in a chamber cut into the rock of the Jebel al-Zawiya hills, its walls etched with arabesques and alcoves.

Sami, a 32-year-old stonecutter, believes that his new home is a Roman shrine. Its design in fact suggests it may be a tomb.

Across northern Syria, rebels, soldiers and civilians are making use of the country's wealth of ancient and medieval remains for protection. The structures are built of thick stone that has already withstood the ravages of centuries. They are often located in strategic spots overlooking towns and roads.

Sami, who like many Syrians was reluctant to give his full name for security reasons, says cave life is hard. The worst part isn't the lack of electricity or running water. It's the smoke from the indoor fires.

"We go daily to the doctor for our children," he said. His youngest, a 2-month-old girl named Abir, has been badly afflicted with respiratory problems.

But he considers the discomfort and health risks of the cave preferable to the terror of life above ground, with forces loyal to President Bashar Assad controlling the skies. "At any moment they can strike," he said. "I have no other option until the regime falls."

Combatants on both sides in the civil war frequently use medieval fortifications, often the legacy of the centuries-long contest between Christian and Muslim empires for the control of this region.

In the town of Harem on the Turkish border, rebels fought a bloody battle in December to oust the regime from a hilltop fortress previously used by Byzantines, the allies of Saladin, and the Crusaders. Video shows fighters painstakingly making their way in single file up the side of the cliff to capture the citadel.

In the town of Maaret al-Numan in the plain below the Jebel al-Zawiya, rebels have set up their headquarters in a 17th-century caravansary, now a museum. Its solid fortress-like walls seem to have withstood the nearly daily rocket and mortar strikes far better than nearby modern buildings have. A stroll through the halls triggers the motion-sensitive lights, illuminating a Roman mosaic of a lion tearing the flesh of a bull.

Archaeologists have raised concerns about the damage done by the war. Fighting in the city of Aleppo has raged around a 12th century citadel, and a fire in September destroyed much of a medieval souk that is part of a UNESCO World Heritage site.

One young fighter in the Jebel al-Zawiya who gave his name as Abu Mohammed said that before the war, inhabitants of this region drew little benefit from the tourism that the ruins attracted. Instead, regime security forces would shoe away anyone who came nearby. Residents feared going closer for fear they would be accused of looting and then imprisoned and tortured, he said.

"We used to be scared to go near the monuments," he said, showing a reporter the cave that he and his fellow villages use for shelter. "But now, they're benefiting us."

Associated Press


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

TommieMedia - Students compete for more AARC playing time

During the winter months, cold weather forces winter sports teams to practice indoors, causing a power struggle between winter and spring sports teams with students caught in the middle.

With St. Thomas? eight winter sports teams and eight spring sports teams controlling a large portion of the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex?s availability when snow is on the ground, AARC facilities manager Dave Lepp said it can become difficult for non-student athletes to find time to reserve the AARC.

Junior Ryan Forsman practices his jump shot in the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Center. Forsman said court time during the winter months has been scarce from winter and spring activities having to practice indoors. (Trevor Walstrom/TommieMedia)

Junior Ryan Forsman practices his jump shot in the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Center. Forsman said court time during the winter months has been scarce from winter and spring activities having to practice indoors. (Trevor Walstrom/TommieMedia)

?When you?ve got eight sports teams looking for two, to two-and-a-half hours of practice time a day, you can?t make everyone happy,? Lepp said.

Even with the new complex, Lepp said students are still struggling for playing time.

?This time of year, even with this new facility, it didn?t change our problems,? Lepp said. ?But, we also have more options for students ? We have the dance studios, the better weight room and the cardio room.?

Part of the problem is that all spring sports began their practices two weeks earlier than last year, causing even more conflict over time.

Students return to campus after January Term expecting to have the same access to the AARC that they did over the fall semester. Unfortunately, this is not possible since spring and winter programs have a large period of overlap.

?When people first come back in February, they don?t realize that the whole schedule has changed,? Lepp said.

Students who aren?t prepared for this new schedule can expect a rude awakening.

?The fall is not so bad, but the spring gets pretty bad,? senior Aaron Becker said. ?It?s kind of upsetting in the afternoon when you want to play basketball. You can?t just play a pickup game. It makes it a hassle.?

While there is no limit on how much time the teams can control the AARC for, Tommie teams usually occupy it for about 11-12 hours each day in the spring, compared to about five hours a day in the fall.

The best chance to get some free time in the AARC is during the week between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

?Anytime after 3 p.m., it?s pretty booked for the rest of the night,? junior Ryan Forsman said.

One way the university tried to alleviate this problem was by remodeling McCarthy Gym in 2011. The gym?s pool was even covered with a wood floor to accommodate sports like badminton, basketball and volleyball.

Students know of this option, but would rather use the AARC.

?That?s just a pain,? Forsman said about walking down to McCarthy Gym to play.

Because the AARC is a desirable place to exercise and play, Lepp said the school is taking steps to try and keep students happy in other ways.

?We try to keep one gym open at McCarthy Gym,? Lepp said. ?That?s the recreational gym this time of year.?

One way students can assure themselves some weekly playing time is by forming or joining an intramural sports team.

St. Thomas Intramural Sports Commissioner Zack Johnson said the university offers a wide range of intramural sports and students are encouraged to join.

?Getting an intramurals league together is really quite simple,? Johnson said. ?Anybody can participate. We have more than 2,100 members signed up.?

However, while any student can participate in the intramural leagues, those teams are still taking up more time in the AARC.

?We have 70 men?s basketball teams, so that?s at least 500 guys who are actively participating,? Johnson said.

While all students help pay for the AARC, varsity sports teams will always get first choice at time in the facility.

?The varsity teams do get first priority,? Johnson said. ?That?s why they build these big facilities, they are the revenue producers.?

In the meantime, students will have to deal with the busy space.

?It makes sense that teams get first pick,? Forsman said. ?If the (field house) is busy, it kind of sucks.?

Trevor Walstrom can be reached at


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Ohio town still grieves one year after deadly shootings

Chardon High School remembersChardon High School remembersChardon, Ohio?A few red ribbons, tattered by the elements, still hang on trees along the streets of Chardon, Ohio. To some people in town, the ribbons are a necessary reminder of a shooting spree at Chardon High School a year ago that left three students dead and three others injured.

On Tuesday, just a day shy of the one-year mark of the tragedy, T.J. Lane pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated murder and other charges in the Chardon shooting. Prosecutors say Lane fired 10 shots from a .22-caliber pistol at students milling in the school cafeteria the morning of Feb. 27, 2012.

After a year in which even deadlier mass shootings like those in Aurora, Colo., and Newtown, Conn., grabbed headlines, it could be easy to overlook the tragedy that shook Chardon, a middle-class community of 5,000 residents about 30 miles east of Cleveland.

If there are lessons to be learned from the students at the high school and the broader community, it?s that the emotional damage leaves lasting scars and heavy hearts do not heal quickly.

Four adults have committed suicide in Chardon, and there have been more than a dozen attempted suicides among students since the shootings, a school official said. Counseling sessions and lessons on detecting warning signs that friends, classmates and colleagues might be suffering have become part of classroom curriculum.

Chardon High School principal Andy Fetchik tried to put an upbeat face on a grim year during a press conference last week.

?I can assure you, we?re getting better,? Fetchik said. ?There?s a lot to be done. We have a strong and compassionate community surrounding us, and we?re getting better every day.?

One-year mark

What began as a typical winter day in Chardon turned into a deadly rampage when shots rang out around 8 a.m. Lane, then a 17-year-old junior, aimed his gun at randomly targeted students, authorities said.

Students Vincent "Danny" Parmertor, Demetrius C. Hewlin and Russell D. King Jr. were killed in the attack. Students Nick Walczak, Joy Rickers and Nate Mueller were wounded.

Police captured Lane in a neighborhood near the high school. Under questioning, he reportedly admitted to shooting the students. Before the case went to adult court last year, a juvenile court judge ruled that Lane was mentally competent despite evidence he suffers from hallucinations, psychosis and fantasies. Because he was a minor when the attack occurred, the death penalty was not a consideration.

T.J. Lane enters court.

With his grandparents and family members of the victims in court on Tuesday, Lane changed his plea from not guilty by reason of insanity to guilty. Dressed in a green open-collared shirt with close-cropped hair, Lane answered "yes" or "yes, your honor" to questions from the judge about the plea agreement. After a background review is completed, Lane will return to court on March 19, when Geauga County Judge David Fuhry is scheduled to sentence him.

Lane's attorney, Ian Friedman, said the teen had undergone psychiatric evaluation, but last week declined to discuss his client's emotional state and how he might reflect on the one-year mark.

?It?s a very delicate matter,? Friedman said. ?I don?t think it would be appropriate to comment on anything beyond where the case is procedurally.?

Geauga County Prosecutor James Flaiz did not return messages seeking comment on the case.

While a public trial could have shed light on the shooter?s motives, some community members say such details could have done greater emotional harm.

?There are very good lawyers in this case representing Lane and the prosecutor,? said Carmen Naso, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. ?And, ultimately, the judge is going to decide what happens to this kid.?

No celebration

During a media briefing last week, reporters were asked to refrain from referring to Feb. 27 as the ?anniversary? of the tragedy, which could imply a sort of celebration. Reporters were asked instead to refer to the day as a ?one-year mark.?

Chardon High School students and faculty planned to observe the day by embarking on service projects. Some were making care blankets, like those distributed by volunteers after the tragedy. Others were crafting leashes for comfort dogs, like those brought to the school in the days after the incident.

Students also planned to take a memorial walk from the high school to the village square and host a candlelight vigil and concert.

?Danny, Demetrius and Russell were our classmates,? said Chardon High School senior Will Porter. ?For a lot of us, they were our friends. They?ll never be forgotten, and we hope to honor them through this day.?

Senior Jessie Mysyk said the tragedy has inspired a strong sense of unity at the school.

?There's never a time when a student would feel alone,? she said. ?Within the school, we are a community. We're all friends. We are a family. ... We are together."

Senior Jill Allenby said the killings had pushed students to move beyond typical teenage grievances.

?We don?t have the normal kind of drama or high school cliques that everyone sees,? Allenby said. ?When you walk through the halls, you see everyone and everyone says hello.?

A memorial created for the boys killed in the attack on Feb. 27. 2012. (AP)

Must love kids, not guns

After the slaughter of 20 first-graders and six faculty members at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., in December, the National Rifle Association suggested placing armed guards at schools and possibly training teachers to shoot as the best way to avert such a tragedy in the future.

While the idea of arming teachers has some support in Chardon, school superintendent Joseph Bergant II says it won't happen.

Bergant said it was fine for teachers to learn to use weapons in their private time. But permitting a teacher to carry a concealed gun, which is legal in Ohio, will not happen in Chardon, he said.

?That defeats our purpose,? Bergant said. ?Our purpose is to educate children in a safe, caring environment. ? We are not going to put bars on the school buildings. We are not going to put an iron dome over the top.?

Fetchik, the high school principal, agreed. The school now has an armed ?resource officer??a police officer whose salary is paid with funds from the local government and donations to the community after the shooting.

?I don?t want guns in school,? Fetchik said. ?I want a trained resource officer. ? That gentleman is prepared to deal with using that weapon, (and) not just pointing and pulling the trigger."

About the red ribbons

Red ribbon hangs on a tree in Chardon, Ohio.Gestures like hanging a ribbon on a tree still serve as a haunting reminder to many. Recently, the city has removed the frayed and faded ribbons from all public places and suggested community members follow suit.

The ribbons have been collected by the school district and will be given to the families of the boys who died, Chardon City Manager Randy Sharpe said.

Many people, he acknowledged, wish the ribbons could stay. ?But, the ones that are tired and dingy reflect poorly on the community,? Sharpe said.

Officials said the city is looking to create a permanent memorial to honor the victims, the schools and community?a process that may take another one to two years.

Chardon resident Jamie Ward is among those people ready to move on. He and his wife, Sandy, had just moved to town shortly before the tragedy and have since had a son, Peter, now 10 weeks old.

?For me, the one-year mark is hard,? said Ward as he held his young son. ?A year later, I don?t want Chardon to always be associated with such a thing."

(The Associated Press contributed information in this story.)


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Dorothy Hamill and Andy Dick among 'Dancing' stars

FILE - This April 12, 2010 file photo shows former Olympic figure skater Dorothy Hamill at an event celebrating Good Housekeeping magazine's 125th anniversary in New York. Hamill is one of eleven celebrity contestants who will compete on the next edition of "Dancing with the Stars." The new season kicks off on ABC with a two-hour premiere on March 18. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, file)

FILE - This April 12, 2010 file photo shows former Olympic figure skater Dorothy Hamill at an event celebrating Good Housekeeping magazine's 125th anniversary in New York. Hamill is one of eleven celebrity contestants who will compete on the next edition of "Dancing with the Stars." The new season kicks off on ABC with a two-hour premiere on March 18. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, file)

FILE - This April 4, 2011 file photo shows country singer Wynonna Judd from The Judds, performing at the Girls' Night Out: Superstar Women of Country in Las Vegas. Judd is one of eleven celebrity contestants who will compete on the next edition of "Dancing with the Stars." The new season kicks off on ABC with a two-hour premiere on March 18. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson, file)

FILE - This Nov. 15, 2012 file photo shows comedian Andy Dick speaks onstage during the American Cinematheque 26th Annual Award Presentation To Ben Stiller 2012 in Beverly Hills, Calif. Andy Dick is one of eleven celebrity contestants who will compete on the next edition of "Dancing with the Stars." The new season kicks off on ABC with a two-hour premiere on March 18. (Photo by Todd Williamson/Invision/AP, file)

FILE - This June 6, 2012 file photo shows singer Kellie Pickler at the 2012 CMT Music Awards in Nashville, Tenn. Pickler is one of eleven celebrity contestants who will compete on the next edition of "Dancing with the Stars." The new season kicks off on ABC with a two-hour premiere on March 18. (Photo by John Shearer/Invision/AP, file)

FILE - This June 20, 2012 file photo shows boxer Victor Ortiz training during the media workout at Fortune Boxing Gym in Los Angeles. Ortiz is one of eleven celebrity contestants who will compete on the next edition of "Dancing with the Stars." The new season kicks off on ABC with a two-hour premiere on March 18. (AP Photo/Grant Hindsley, file)

(AP) ? A gold-medal figure skater, a country music legend and a kooky comedian are stepping their way onto "Dancing With the Stars."

ABC says Dorothy Hamill, Wynonna Judd and Andy Dick are among 11 contenders for the mirrored ball on the new season of the celebrity dance competition.

Other famous faces in the show's 16th edition include standup comic and actor D.L. Hughley, Baltimore Ravens football player Jacoby Jones and former "American Idol" contestant Kellie Pickler.

Also on hand will be former welterweight boxing champ Victor Ortiz, "General Hospital" star Ingo Rademacher, actress-singer Zendaya Coleman and Lisa Vanderpump from "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," as well as Olympic gold-medal gymnast Aly Raisman.

The new "Dancing With the Stars" season kicks off on ABC with a two-hour premiere on March 18.

Associated Press


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Stock Market News for February 26, 2013 - Zacks Investment ...

Benchmarks took a battering on Monday following uncertainty about the outcome of the Italian elections and a revival of euro zone concerns. The instability in the Italian government indicates European debt problems might resurface which in turn could weaken the global economy. The major indices logged their worst day since November. All ten S&P 500 industry groups ended in the red. Energy stocks were the biggest losers.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) lost 1.6% to close the day at 13,784.17. The S&P 500 decreased 1.8% to finish yesterday?s trading session at 1,487.85. The tech-laden Nasdaq Composite Index declined 1.4% to end at 3,116.25. The fear-gauge CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) jumped 34% to settle at 18.99. Consolidated volumes on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq were roughly 7.27 billion shares, well above the daily average of 6.45 billion shares for 2012. Declining stocks outnumbered the advancing stocks. For the 24% that advanced, 74% declined.

Markets started yesterday?s trading session on a positive note and the S&P 500 advanced as much as 0.7% in morning trade. But skepticism about the Italian political situation and fears of a reemergence of the euro zone crisis dragged the indices into the negative. The S&P 500 closed below 1,500 for the first time since February 4. The fear-gauge CBOE VIX surged by 34%, its highest increase since August 18, 2011.

Uncertainty over the Italian elections dampened investor sentiment yesterday. The result of the elections will have a major impact on the European financial scenario since Italy is one of the region?s largest economies. According to three TV forecasts, the centre-left coalition has a marginal lead over centre-right, lead by ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. If any of the two blocs is unable to gain a clear majority in the Senate, fresh elections would have to be held. This could trigger fears of Italy defaulting on its debt.

Meanwhile, the final day to decide on reduction of US government spending as well as taxes is Friday. If by then, Democrats and Republicans fail to meet on common ground, federal spending will be decreased by $85 billion a month for seven months and $1.2 trillion over nine years. Spending cuts worth $85 billion will adversely affect major sectors like defense, education, and healthcare. President Barack Obama said, ?Companies are preparing layoff notices. Families are preparing to cut back on expenses. ...".

On the earnings front, shares of Lowe's Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW) dipped 4.8% in-spite of posting robust earnings and revenues. The company?s earnings and revenues beat the Street?s estimates but missed on the outlook front. For fiscal 2013, the company guided earnings per share to $2.05 versus the Street?s estimates of $2.10. The company said it has taken steps to cut costs in terms of lower hiring, closing locations and investing more in its online business.

Home building stocks took a hammering yesterday and the SPDR S&P Homebuilders (XHB) lost 3.5%. Stocks such as The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD), Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc (NYSE:LL), M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:MDC), The Ryland Group, Inc. (NYSE:RYL) and D.R. Horton, Inc. (NYSE:DHI) dropped 2.5%, 6.7%, 4.5%, 5.4% and 4.2%, respectively.

Energy stocks declined the most among the top ten industry groups in the S&P 500. The Energy Select Sector SPDR (NYSEARCA: XLE) lost 2.6%. Stocks such as Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX), Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE:MRO), Hess Corp. (NYSE:HES) and Suncor Energy Inc. (USA) (NYSE:SU) declined 1.7%, 2.1%, 5.1%, 3.5% and 2.3%, respectively.


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Year after Trayvon Martin's death, ?stand your ground? survives

College student Jajuan Kelley covers his mouth with a Skittles wrapper as he rallies against

One year after 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by an armed neighborhood watchman, setting off a national debate about race and gun laws, the campaign to change state self-defense laws in Martin's name has petered out.

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer facing second-degree murder charges, said he shot Martin in self-defense last Feb. 26 after he decided to follow him in the Sanford, Fla., gated community because Martin looked suspicious. Zimmerman called the police and then approached Martin, and they ended up in a physical fight. Zimmerman, saying he feared for his life, then shot Martin. He was not charged with a crime for several weeks, and his defense attorneys argue he's immune from prosecution under Florida's "stand your ground" law.

The incident led immediately to scrutiny of the law, which is on the books of 20 states in various forms. Basically, "stand your ground" says that people can use lethal force against an attacker without first attempting to retreat if they have reason to fear for their lives. Most states already allowed people to defend themselves in this way if they're attacked at home, but "stand your ground" went a step further to cover all public places.

A Tampa Bay Times analysis of 200 "stand your ground" cases in Florida?the law was adopted there in 2005?found that the law has been inconsistently applied, with one man escaping homicide prosecution even though he left an altercation to get his gun from his car, returned and then shot the attacker.

After the Martin shooting and subsequent uproar, a coalition of civil rights groups and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the nation's highest-profile gun-control advocate, started a campaign, called "Second Chance on Shoot First," to encourage the repeal of these laws. Soon after, Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican, appointed a task force to study the law. Meanwhile, lawmakers in at least four states with "stand your ground" laws introduced legislation to alter or repeal their laws.

But not much has happened since then on the state level. On Friday, the Florida task force released its final recommendations on the law, concluding that it works and should not be repealed. (The task force did recommend that prosecutors and law enforcement officers should receive increased training on the law to make sure it is applied consistently.)

In addition, none of the bills to repeal or change "stand your ground" in other states passed.

However, the conversation started by Martin's death may have served to stop state and federal legislators from passing more permissive gun laws that were in the works, says Adam Winkler, a constitutional law expert at UCLA. For example, a federal bill to allow people with concealed weapons to take them to other states that allow concealed carry died out after passing in the House.

"Trayvon Martin really stalled the move for more permissive gun laws," Winkler said. "Newtown ended it."

Since the Dec. 14 mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., Bloomberg and other high-profile gun-control advocates have moved away from concealed carry and self-defense issues, and instead focused on encouraging specific reforms on the national level. Lawmakers are focusing on closing loopholes that allow some buyers to avoid background checks before purchasing a weapon, banning high-capacity magazines and banning some semi-automatic weapons.

Allie L. Braswell, the president and CEO of the Central Florida Urban League, which has worked to encourage the repeal of "stand your ground," said he was "disappointed" that the task force did not conclude that the law should be repealed.

"This law gives people more leeway than I had on the battlefield as a United States Marine," Braswell, a veteran of the Gulf War, said. "When I was engaged in Iraq ... we could not fire until fired upon."

He acknowledged that the issue of repealing "stand your ground" has faded into the background.

"It's lost some of its support, unfortunately," Braswell said.

A judge will decide whether Zimmerman is immune from prosecution under "stand your ground" at a special hearing on April 22.


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

CoPilot GPS navigation coming to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

CoPilot GPS navigation coming to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

While most Windows Phone 8 users have at least one option for driving directions, that doesn't preclude them opting for a little extra. ALK Technologies at least believes we're willing to splurge, as it's bringing versions of its CoPilot GPS apps to both Windows Phone 8 as well as Windows 8. Both platforms will share the extras we've seen in the Android and iOS releases, such as on-the-fly route editing, speed limit warnings and local search that involves Wikipedia, Yelp and Google -- shh, don't tell Microsoft. ALK is also promising a similar, two-tiered pricing approach that will offer both a free planning-only app as well as a paid Premium version that delivers turn-by-turn navigation and a year of live traffic information. The catch is an extreme wait for the Windows builds: the two will only appear just as we're setting out on our summer vacations.

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Source: CoPilot Live


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'Amazing Spider-Man 2' Photos: What Are We Seeing?

Marc Webb's 'Spider-Man' sequel is in production, and photos from the set are beginning to appear online. MTV News has more.
By Josh Wigler

Andrew Garfield on the set of "Amazing Spider-Man 2"
Photo: Pacific Coast News


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Was Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar Fall 'On Purpose'?

'What do you mean what happened? Look at my dress,' the Oscar winner says of falling on her way to accept her award.
By Josh Wigler

Jennifer Lawrence at the 2013 Oscars
Photo: Christopher Polk/ Getty Images


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Rand holds near 1-week high vs dollar before GDP data

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The rand held near a one-week high and above a key resistance point in early Tuesday trade and looked likely to break that level if economic growth data overshot market expectations.

South Africa releases fourth quarter GDP data at 0930 GMT, the final piece of the economic growth jigsaw for 2012.

Economists expect growth to have picked up to 1.6 percent on a quarter-on-quarter basis, from 1.2 percent in the third quarter.

The statistics agency will also give the preliminary overall growth rate for 2012, a figure that is likely to influence the Treasury's growth and budget deficit calculations ahead of the 2013 budget speech on Wednesday.

By 0651 GMT, the rand was at 8.8590 to the dollar, not far off its close in New York on Monday.

"Any move in the rand is reflected in the euro. The Italian elections are causing real chaos in the forex markets. Expect volatility in the major currencies, reflected on the rand through our crosses," said Jim Bryson of Rand Merchant Bank, referring to Italy's apparent election gridlock.

However, the rand is unlikely to shift out of its 8.80-9.0 range unless GDP data is so far from expectations that investors start to factor in a local interest rate move next month.

"If it's that bad that we can start factoring in an interest rate cut, then that GDP data will move things," Bryson said.

The R186/R157 bond yield spread rose to a week high of 197 basis points. Dealers see the curve staying at elevated levels because of expectations of increased issuance from government, normally at the longer end of the yield curve.

"The view of subdued growth and in turn widening pressure on the budget deficit implies the risk that a higher borrowing requirement will be priced in in coming weeks," Tradition Analytics said in a note.

The yield on the 2026 issue dropped 4 basis points to 5.21 percent, while that on the 2015 issue gave up 2.5 basis points to 7.19 percent.


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If you're looking for a more virginal note-taking experience, Moleskine has just the thing: it's just launched a new line of all-white notebooks for you to scrawl in. More »


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Islamists threaten to kill French kidnapped in Cameroon

DAKAR (Reuters) - Gunmen claiming to be from Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamist group threatened on Monday to kill a kidnapped French family of seven if authorities in Nigeria and Cameroon do not release Muslim militants held there.

French ministers said they believed the three adults and four children seized in Cameroon's far north near the Nigerian border on Tuesday were being held by Boko Haram which has killed hundreds to try to carve out an Islamist state in Nigeria.

The first sign of the family since they were captured came in a video posted on YouTube in which they appeared surrounded by three gunmen wearing turbans and dressed in camouflage.

"We have been taken by Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati wal-Jihad," one of the male hostages said in the video, referring to the name in Arabic of Nigeria's Boko Haram militants.

"They want the liberation of their brothers in Cameroon and their women imprisoned in Nigeria," the man added, speaking in French as he sat on the floor beside another man, a veiled woman and four children.

"A video of the French family kidnapped in northern Cameroon last Tuesday has just been posted by Boko Haram," said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. "These images are terribly shocking and show a cruelty without limits."

The hostage-taking highlighted the risk to French citizens in Africa after Paris sent thousands of troops into Mali last month to oust al Qaeda-linked Islamists operating in the country's vast desert north.

"The president of France has launched a war on Islam and we are fighting it everywhere," said one of the apparent kidnappers, speaking in Arabic and identifying himself as a member of Boko Haram. "Implement our demands. If you leave out even one, we will kill these people."

Boko Haram, a Nigerian militant group, has previously posted videos in Hausa, a language spoken in northern Nigeria. The black and white flag that hung behind the hostages in the released video is more associated with al Qaeda-linked groups.

A spokesman for Boko Haram had denied any connection with the kidnapping at the weekend.

However, security experts in Nigeria, Africa's largest oil exporter, say that Boko Haram is made up of multiple cells, without a defined command structure.

The militant group is known to have had some links to al Qaeda factions in North Africa and Mali, but experts say they appear limited for now.

Cameroon's Communication Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary said he could not comment because his government was not aware of the video.

The governor of Cameroon's Far North Region, Augustine Fonka Awa, said he was not aware of any Boko Haram members being held in the country.

(Additional reporting by Asma Alsharif in Cairo and Joe Brock in Abuja; Writing by David Lewis; Editing by Daniel Flynn and Jon Hemming)


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Monday, February 25, 2013

NFL Combine 2013: Manti Te'o searching for peace following Lennay Kekua hoax

INDIANAPOLIS ? It was somewhat fitting that media spent an hour hovering around a podium in a horseshoed pattern that was starting to come together in the back, at least a dozen people deep in all areas, waiting for something that never arrived.

Other players came and went throughout the day, detailing their dreams of playing the NFL and the arduous week that is the Scouting Combine, but they were just opening acts for Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o.

The first whistle signaling Te'o's arrival came around noon when a rumor spread through the conference room at Lucas Oil Stadium that Te'o would be arriving within an hour. Almost immediately everyone with a recorder or video camera started jockeying for position to ensure they were within range to record his voice or capture his image.

No one wanted to know about his struggles or how his week was going. They only wanted to know about Lennay Kekua, his supposed girlfriend whose reported death fueled his senior season and pushed him into contention for the Heisman award. Only Kekua never existed in the physical form. She was merely a Twitter handle and a voice ? a voice that really belonged to a man named Ronaiah Tuiasosopo.

Or so the story goes.

Te'o has been interviewed since the details of his story have become public and was mostly exonerated by the public, who have become satisfied that the linebacker was the unfortunate victim of a very public and very embarrassing hoax.

But Te'o was yet to face a contingent of media. The group in Indianapolis was frothing at the mouth to catch him in a small detail or a lie, and passed the time in the horseshoe by making jokes about the circumstances of his situation ? something Te'o has become accustom to.

The linebacker may have chosen to play football, but now he is going to be subjected to a life of ridicule for wanting to believe that someone he had never met could love him the way Kekua had.

"I just wanted to care for someone who needed help," he later said.

A couple hours passed and Te'o had still not arrived. The mob slowly fractured and went off to interview other players, eat lunch or grovel with other media types over the fact that they spent an hour staring at an empty podium.

Word finally came back through the room that Te'o would soon be returning, and the horseshoe was welded back together, body-by-body.

"Lot of cameras," Te'o said with a nervous smirk on his face and eyes wide.

Te'o was lobbed a softball on his first question. The second came in on target, and Te'o replied by stating that everything he wanted to say about the situation was said during his previous interviews.

The questions kept coming and Te'o quickly realized that he wasn't going to get away that easily. He politely and elegantly answered every question, including one where he was asked if he was "dating anyone in real life." He said he isn't.

Despite his poise, it's obvious that the pain is still there. He talked about how he soiled his family name and struggled to say he granted Tuiasosopo his forgiveness.

It's obvious that the pain is still there, close to the surface. He can cite the date his life changed, Jan. 16, the same way a recovering alcoholic or married couple can quickly recall the day their lives changed.

He can no longer go in public without being looked at with eyes of pity and confusion. The worst moment came when sister had to sneak his family into their own home to avoid the media that had assembled on their front lawn.

"That had to be the hardest part. For me, something that I've always had a problem with is when I can't do something about it, when I can't help," Te'o said. "To know that my family was in a situation because of the actions that I committed was definitely the hardest part."

He wishes that he had done things different, but says he is no longer embarrassed by what happened.

"If I was still embarrassed I wouldn't be standing in front of you," he said.

Te'o answered a few more questions most about the hoax, some about football, before thanking everyone and pleading for relief.

"Hopefully after this I've answered the things I need to answer and we can move on with football," he said.

It's doubtful that it will be that simple. He may have aced his media session and will likely sway whoever else chooses to listen, but there be jokes from his future teammates, and insults from opponents.

Some day it will begin to fade away, but it will always be there, following him like his family name.

All of this because he chose to love someone who needed help.


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Rabbinic Cabinet Mission Visits Kiev and Israel to See Promise of Aliyah Fulfilled

Rabbinic Cabinet Mission Visits Kiev and Israel to See Promise of Aliyah Fulfilled
February 19, 2013

Rabbi Tina Grimberg, who serves the Reconstructionist Congregation Darchei Noam in Toronto, recently returned from a visit to Kiev.? She went with 31 other rabbis from 20 communities as part of a Rabbinic Cabinet mission of The Jewish Federations of North America. But for Rabbi Grimberg, this experience resonated in a different way. She left the Ukraine at age 16 and returned only one other time, 20 years ago, to distribute medical supplies to young Chernobyl victims. This marked her first visit as a rabbi and a witness to the revival of Jewish life there.

?If I could have hidden my Jewish identity or thrown it away when I was growing up, I would have,? said Rabbi Grimberg, back in Toronto. Because of anti-Semitism, ?It was burdensome, shameful and I hated it.? Grimberg recalled being ashamed that her grandmother once spoke Yiddish on a bus, prompting a Ukrainian woman to threaten her. Only a child, Rabbi Grimberg felt ashamed and told her grandmother never to speak Yiddish in public again. ?I know I hurt her and I went back to Kiev this time to let her know I am no longer ashamed,? said Grimberg, weeping quietly.

Rabbis on the mission traveled to Kiev and Israel to see the promise fulfilled by North American Jewish Federations? to help free Soviet Jewry and to give support to those who have chosen to remain, through the work of JFNA?s partners, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and The Jewish Agency for Israel.

The Toronto rabbi was ?beyond floored? with the Federation-supported programs she saw in Kiev that sustain Jews and Jewish life, learning, religion and culture. ?I contribute and I encourage others to contribute to Federation, but to see what it does overseas? was something else, she said. In her birthplace, Jewish Federations have ?raised the living from the dead.?

The rabbis visited programs for the elderly that provide help meeting basic needs and combat loneliness and isolation. They went to after-school programs that offer counseling, tutoring and Jewish activities to at-risk children and their families. And they met with alumni of a host of Israel experience and camping programs to foster Jewish leadership and identity among the young.

The rabbis also held a service at Babi Yar, the site of the Nazi massacre of 100,000 in 1941, and met with Reform, Conservative and Orthodox colleagues.
In Israel, the group saw first-hand many of the efforts through JDC and JAFI to help the immigrants from the former Soviet Union integrate successfully in Israeli society and enjoy security and dignity in their old age. The group also met with diplomatic? officials, politicians, religious leaders and journalists for high-level briefings on the political landscape and the complexities of Israeli religious life. Natan Sharansky, the former dissident hero who now leads JAFI, also met with the group.
Rabbi Grimberg spoke to Sharansky in Russian, she said, telling him, ?You paved our way with your suffering? in the Soviet gulag. She also said the mission?s visits to both Kiev and Israel testified to the power of global Jewish community that Federations help nurture.

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt, chair of JFNA?s Rabbinic Assembly, said the mission ?exceeded my expectations.?? He said the first-hand exposure to the ?inspiring? overseas programs of the JDC and The Jewish Agency drove home for the rabbis the importance of the work of the Federation system. ?They learned how it complements what they do to ensure the survival of Jewish community and peoplehood,? said Rabbi Weinblatt, who led the mission.
While in Jerusalem, several rabbis left the mission to join a group of women praying at the Western Wall. Israeli police detained 10 women for wearing tallitot, or prayer shawls, in violation of the Supreme Court ruling that traditional Orthodox laws govern ritual practice at the Wall. Two of the women detained were from the JFNA mission.

Jewish Federations have made a strong statement calling on the Israeli government to work out a fair solution to the issue of women praying at the Wall, and about Jewish pluralism in Israel. ?Such an outcome must uphold Israel?s guarantee to grant full freedom of worship for all in Jerusalem, including rights of all Jews to pray in their own traditions at our holy sites,? according to the statement. Sharansky is, meanwhile, working to help find a resolution to the issue.


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Live from Huawei's press event at MWC 2013!

One of the mobile world's Ones To Watch is back. Huawei's phones are getting bigger and better, but it seems two new phones just last month wasn't enough. The company's here at MWC and we're expecting to see some new slender models and hopefully something we haven't already been given hints about. The liveblog starts here -- but not just yet. You'll have to wait until the time stated below.

February 24, 2013 9:00 AM EST

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oxford students to vote on Israel boycott

Local student union gears for vote on possible ban of Israeli companies; supporters say they're being threatened. Opponents say boycott goes against everything university stands for


Students at Britain's prestigious Oxford University are set to hold a controversial vote this week as the Students Union (OUSU) stands to make its final decision on whether to boycott Israeli companies and products.


The vote, which is scheduled for Wednesday, follows a tumultuous week, brought about by anti-Israeli MP George Galloway's hurried and highly criticized exit of a debate on Israel, after discovering that his opponent was an Israeli citizen.


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"I don't recognize Israel and I don't debate with Israelis," Galloway said, to gasps of shock and mutters of "racism."


According to The Guardian, the boycott motion calls on Oxford students to join the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement "in protest of Israel's treatment of Palestinians and its hindrance of attempts to create a Palestinian state." ?



According to the report, both the motion's promoter and the person who seconded it have received threatening emails, prompting the latter to withdrawn his support and the former to ask that her name not be publicized.


The BDS movement urges a boycott of Israeli exports as well as any firms ? British and international ? that do business in or with Israel.


Some BDS supporters have also disrupted cultural events involving Israeli performers.


Last week, the Oxford Student Union gave its colleges two additional weeks to debate the issue, after most failed to come to a decision.


Henry Watson of Magdalen College told the Guardian that "People thought it was a question of supporting Israel or Palestine or supporting peace. The boycott goes against everything the university stands for.


"The idea that we are not going to read your books or articles or hear your arguments on the basis of your nationality is ridiculous."


Magdalen College voted 39-3 against the motion, Watson said.



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MC Hammer Suggests He Was Victim Of Racial Profiling In California Arrest

Mc Hammer Arrest

Rapper MC Hammer performs onstage during the 40th American Music Awards held at Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on November 18, 2012. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

DUBLIN, Calif. -- MC Hammer suggests he was a victim of racial profiling when he was stopped and arrested by police in the Northern California city of Dublin.

The `90s rap star tweeted on Saturday that an officer approached him in his car and asked "Are you on parole or probation?"

He says that as he handed over his ID, the officer reached inside the car and tried to pull him out.

Dublin police Lt. Herb Walters told the Oakland Tribune ( that Hammer, who was born Stanley Burrell, was arrested Thursday for investigation of obstructing an officer in the performance of their duties and resisting an officer.

He declined to comment to KTVU about Hammer's version of the arrest.

Hammer tweeted that he wasn't bitter and considered what happened "a teachable moment."

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