Sunday, November 18, 2012

Half Moon Resort in Jamaica is the Full Deal! - Journeys Travel ...

Every now and then we find one of the great resorts!

As a travel writer and broadcaster I get to travel to a lot of places and from time to time stay in some pretty impressive?accommodation.

But as a group we also get to take our surroundings for granted at times...even jaded when we try to draw comparisons.

Well that is not the case with the Half Moon Resort in Jamaica leaves one with substantially more than one expects.

As the owner of a retail store, Journeys Travel & Leisure SuperCentre, the manner in which we meet and treat clients is very important.

And when I see that genuine sense of warmth, humour, and friendly information being imparted in a relaxed manner it sneaks up on you.

Every person gets it. And it doesn't stop at the first greeting and the lobby. It is a?continuum to pool side, the restaurants, bars, and rooms?attendants.

As a regular traveller I frequently find exceptional service but what is exceptional is to find it at every turn.

We have dined at three of the full menu restaurants and have been impressed each time.

The Sugar Mill is located less than 100 metres from the golf course pro shop and is only open for evening dining. Sea Grapes and Giardinos are both on site but for the Sugar Mill a short shuttle ride from the lobby gets you there quickly.

The Half Moon Golf Course is not as hilly and therefore not as panoramic as the others we have golfed at so far but it is a long and challenging enough track.

If there is any weakness in this entire resort it would be the difference in the course from the others we have golfed this week.

But take my word, no place else compares with the Half Moon in any other category across the board.

It is also the only resort in the Caribbean that has its own Dolphin Encounter feature right on the property.

Both Carey and I had our first experience with these amazing creatures and just cannot believe how friendly they are. While I had some initial?trepidation?about these wild beings being penned up, I have seen more stupid dog and cat tricks in my life to last a lifetime and could make a similar argument that dogs and cats should be free and not made pets.

How did our culture decide it was ok?

The grounds of this property are huge and it seems like guest like the royal family, the last three Canadian prime ministers including this one, Paul Simon, Richard Branson, and dozens of others can't be wrong about this place since they keep coming back.

Apparently they like the larger villa type units with up to 7 bedrooms. We have not progressed to that stage yet but our view of the ocean is wonderful and with more pools, including a 50 metre lap pool, located throughout the property than anyone can use you are never far from water.
One of the real advantages to the Half Moon All Inclusive program is that since it is also a resort that attracts businesses, and other guests who do not participate in the all inclusive option, the choices in restaurants and menus are the same.

Lobster? You've got it. Rack of lamb? Yours. All this in the regular restaurants everyone else uses and menus they order from.

There is a lot more I could rave about in this property. The half moon beach, the attractive design structures, the children's section, fitness facilities and more, but I think you get the idea.

This is one Quality property.

If you are interested in booking at this property do talk to me. It is exceptional and we would love to match your needs to make sure you get what works best for your family or company.

Do contact me if you are interested in hearing more about this great resort. Email me at

If you haven't booked your vacation yet to Jamaica or anywhere else book online at or call 204 942-500 or toll free at 1 800 859-6354.

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posted by That Travel Guy @ 8:05 AM ?|? Subscribe to Post Comments [Atom]


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