Friday, November 30, 2012

real estate ?sells? square feet. what are investors and tenants buying ...

Posted on | November 29, 2012 | No Comments

This is a good time to challenge our assumptions about what the world will be.?In mid-October of 2012, the executives of NAREIM member firms gathered in Chicago?to discuss changes in capital, operations and real estate usage likely to profoundly?affect the industry for many years to come.

Consider a simple question, ?Are you selling what your customers are buying??

To illustrate the importance of this question, consider what happened at the turn of the?20th century when the music industry was selling CDs, cassette tapes and records. Not?understood by that industry, however, was that their customers were only buying those?products in order to acquire what they actually wanted: songs. In 2000, the global music?industry enjoyed sales of $36.9 Billion. But in 2003, Apple Computers introduced iTunes?to sell individual songs on-line. In 5 days, they sold a million songs. By last summer, they?had sold 15 billion.

By 2010, the music industry?s sales of records, casettes and CD?s was less than?$16 billion. In other words, in less than 7 years, they lost over half of their business to?a competitor that wasn?t even on the radar. As tempting as it might be to look down?on the music industry for not taking the Internet seriously, it?s important to note that?commercial real estate could be just as vulnerable to this kind of existential threat.

Commercial real estate is an industry that sell reliable returns to investors and square feet?to tenants. But is that what investors and tenants are actually buying?

To find out, read the full report, by clicking here.



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Milford's Antique Co-op displaying vintage North Pole village ...


Thursday, November 29, 2012

The New Hampshire Antique Co-op will display a miniature vintage log village known as Santa?s North Pole during the holiday season.

Designed and presented by collector and antique dealer Beverly Weir-Longacre, this exhibit shows Santa?s elves working at their jobs in the various shops, at the reindeer barn and tending to the Christmas tree farm. Visitors can find a miniature Santa next to a sleigh filled with gifts. Children are sledding, making snowmen and relaxing around the pond after an afternoon of ice skating.

This log village is on display through Jan. 6 in the Focus Gallery at New Hampshire Antique Co-op.

Weir-Longacre began collecting the log buildings almost two decades ago, when she spotted one at an antiques show in Bucks County, Pa.

Weir-Longacre?s vintage log buildings were made in America during the early 20th century, probably for use with toy train platforms. Always wanting to create a holiday-themed village using the log buildings, Weir-Longacre transformed her collection into Santa?s North Pole, complete with lights, snow and all the trimmings. Also on display is a four-room doll house, representing Santa?s home and workshop.

An expert collector of vintage glass ornaments and other holiday-themed decorations, Weir-Longacre lives in a historic 1795 antique cape in Marlborough, where she and her husband, Tom Longacre, who is also an expert folk art antique dealer, decorate more than 20 trees filled with antique ornaments. She is an officer of the New Hampshire Antique Dealers Association and lectures at antique shows on the subject of vintage ornaments (?The Christmas Ornament ? Folk Art in Miniature?).

The New Hampshire Antique Co-op was established in 1983 and features more than 200 dealers. It was named ?Best of New Hampshire? by New Hampshire Magazine and is open daily 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Open house

The Antique Co-op will hold its Holiday Open House 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 1-2, offering secret-recipe punch and an array of cookies. Children can write their letters to Santa and post them in an old-fashioned North Pole mailbox.

?The open house here at New Hampshire Antique Co-op is a great old-fashioned way to spend a family day,? said co-owner Jason Hackler, who together with his father, Sam Hackler, has owned and operated New Hampshire Antique Co-op for nearly three decades. ?Take a break at this hectic time of year and come on by to sample cookies, write to Santa and see some great art and antiques. My 5-year-old daughter Eliza will also be here during the open house, helping children write to Santa or serve up some treats.?

Named ?Best of New Hampshire? by New Hampshire Magazine, the New Hampshire Antique Co-op is at 323 Elm St.

For more information, call 673-8499 , visit online at or


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chevron: court order harms its future in Argentina

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) ? Chevron's Argentina subsidiary ran full-page ads in the nation's leading newspapers Thursday saying that its operations have been complicated by a court order freezing its earnings.

A judge in Buenos Aires embargoed Chevron's Argentina earnings, acting on behalf of plaintiffs in Ecuador who are trying to collect a $19 billion judgment they won over oil spills in the Amazon.

Chevron Corp. calls the Ecuadoran judgment fraudulent, and said "we are seeking the lifting of this embargo as soon as possible, to avoid its negative impacts on the country, the government, the company, and the energy future of Argentina."

The environmental judgment is only the latest trouble Chevron is facing in Argentina, where it has become a leading partner of the state-controlled YPF SA oil company since President Cristina Fernandez expropriated it from Grupo Repsol in Spain.

Repsol has sued in Madrid accusing Chevron and YPF of unfair competition, for drilling for shale oil and gas in the "Vaca Muerta" basin that was discovered when Repsol ran the company.

Repsol also is suing Argentina at the World Bank's International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, seeking $10 billion in compensation for the controlling stake in YPF that Fernandez seized, and said it would sue any other international oil company that tries to partner with YPF.

"I don't see the future of Chevron in Argentina as very auspicious under these conditions. They can turn it around, but it's difficult," said Emilio Apud, a former Argentine energy secretary who now works as a consultant. "The numbers just won't add up, and if they had a hope of future profits in Argentina from Vaca Muerta, that too is in doubt."

Chevron, based in San Ramon, Calif., has had an on-going, collaborative relationship with YPF since the early 1990s. The companies signed a memorandum of understanding in September to jointly develop Argentina's shale reserves, the world's third largest after the U.S. and China. But Chevron hasn't announced new investments since then, and the Ecuador suit is only complicating matters.

"The judicial embargo limits the capacity of Chevron Argentina to operate and reinvest, since the order affects more than 90 percent of the income from crude sales," the company said. This money pays salaries for 1,500 employees, as well as royalties to the provinces of Neuquen and Rio Negro, taxes to the national government and investments needed to develop unconventional oil reserves.

"This income is a resource that has been generated in Argentina and should be applied to productive investment and the recovery of the country's energy self-sufficiency," it argued.

YPF needs billions of dollars to go after this unconventional oil and natural gas, but major oil companies have held back from investing. Repsol's threat to sue any company that steps forward is one major disincentive; another has been Argentina's elaborate system of keeping consumer energy prices far below international market rates.

President Fernandez announced a three-fold increase in well prices for natural gas on Thursday, to $7.50 per million BTU, for any company making new investments in energy development. YPF CEO Miguel Galuccio, who appeared with Fernandez, said the new price should motivate more shale development. But even that price remains far below the $12 per million BTU that Argentina now pays to import gas from Bolivia.


Associated Press Writer Luis Andres Henao in Santiago, Chile, contributed to this report.


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Marc Lamont Hill: The Linsanity Sham: Why Jeremy Lin Really Can't Play

Last year, the entire world was captivated by NBA point guard Jeremy Lin. After being cut by two NBA teams and sent to the Developmental League three times, Lin was signed off the street by the New York Knicks. After months of barely playing, Lin was dropped into the starting lineup and proceeded to run off a streak of amazing performances that placed him on the same list as Hall of Famers like Allen Iverson and Shaquille O'Neal. Literally overnight, "Linsanity" become a worldwide phenomenon that confounded experts, captivated the media, and inspired the world.

This season, despite ditching New York for Houston, Lin remains a big deal to fans, media, and marketeers. From his all-star votes to his jersey sales to his high number of nationally televised games, Jeremy Lin continues to receive superstar-level attention.

There's only one problem: Jeremy Lin can't play.

To be clear, I'm not saying that Jeremy Lin isn't an NBA level player. Even before Linsanity took hold, Lin proved that he deserves to be in the league. Furthermore, no one puts up the record-setting numbers that Lin did over those 14 games last year and doesn't have a place in the league.

The question, however, is what that place is.

Yes, Jeremy Lin is better than the undrafted journeyman that we understood him to be a year ago. But he's nowhere near the player that the Houston Rockets thought they were signing when they gave him what Carmelo Anthony properly called a "ridiculous" three-year $25 million contract. Lin definitely belongs on an NBA team, but he should be nowhere near anyone's starting lineup.

Why do I say this? Well... because I've actually watched him play.

Hype aside, Jeremy Lin has many glaring flaws in his game. While he excels when he's beating defenders to the basket, Lin can only get dribble penetration when going to his right. When forced to put the ball in his left hand, Lin typically makes a few perfunctory dribbles before passing the ball or, worse, committing a turnover.

Oh yeah, about those turnovers.

Since playing regular minutes, Jeremy Lin has been a virtual turnover machine. Even during his peak level of play last year, Lin turned the ball over in historically unprecedented fashion. (And in case you think I'm being hyperbolic, check out this stat: Lin's 45 turnovers over his first 7 starts are the most of any player in the history of the NBA since the stat was recorded) This season, Lin has managed to give the ball away less, but still averages an alarming 4.1 turnovers per 48 minutes. While it's tempting to attribute to the slight improvement to Lin's maturation as a player, it's more likely that he simply handles the ball less now that he's playing next to superior playmaker James Harden.

Lin has also proven that he is a below-average shooter. This season, Lin is shooting a dismal 35% from the field, which is the lowest average in the entire league for a starting guard. From three-point range, Lin is shooting a disastrous 24%. On shots beyond 9 feet, which account for nearly 50% of his total shots taken, Lin is shooting a shameful 26%. Lin's offensive effectiveness is further hampered by his inability to move left. To date, Lin has only taken 17 shots from the left side of the court, connecting on only 29% of them.

Making things worse, Jeremy Lin is a dreadful defender. He has terrible footwork, struggles to stay in front of quick ball handlers, and can't cut left (notice a pattern here?). Other than cheating the passing lanes, which explains his misleading 1.8 steals per game, Lin is little more than a human turnstile for the league's point guards.

So... Let's recap. In comparison to his peers, Jeremy Lin can't dribble, shoot, make plays, or guard anyone. His stat line (10.2 points, 6.1 assists, 4.6 rebounds on 35% shooting) accurately reflect what he is: a slightly below-average NBA point guard who, if he works extremely hard and squeezes out every drop of his ability, will become nothing more than a slightly above-average point guard.

At this point, you may be asking, "If he's so bad, how do you explain last year?" Great question.

First, there's plain old dumb luck. Lin was saved from the Knicks cutting block because coach Mike D'Antoni was desperate to save an unexpectedly bad season. Luck. He got a chance to thrive because of Carmelo Anthony's injury and the tragic death of Amar'e Stoudemire's brother. Luck. Once he was in a position to thrive, Lin played better than he did at any moment of his life. Luck. Of course, Lin shouldn't be criticized for making the most of his lucky circumstances. But he also couldn't be expected to be lucky for ever.

More important, for much of Lin's white-hot streak, opposing teams weren't guarding him. From the lack of on-the-ball pressure to the endless steak of wide open shots, opposing teams were focusing on the Knicks other offensive threats and essentially daring Lin to beat them. Of course, Lin still had to make the shots, but there are few NBA guards who couldn't average 20-plus points if they were fed a steady diet of 10-15 wide open Js.

This unusual level of openness is largely due to the fact that many teams and players simply didn't take Lin seriously. Even when he was promoted to the Knicks' starting spot, teams weren't exactly poring through game film and scouting reports to figure out how to stop an undrafted benchwarmer from Harvard. Instead, they assumed that Lin's performances were statistical aberrations and his play would eventually return to Earth.

Then there's the thorny issue of race. As many players have privately told me, it was difficult to accept that an Asian player under seven feet could dominate an NBA game. As a result, they simply let him play with little resistance, allowing him to temporarily thrive on the "soft bigotry of low expectations."

It wasn't until Lin's humiliating outing against the Miami Heat last February that he began to be treated as an actual peer. The Heat decided to defend Lin, guarding him closely the whole game and exposing his many flaws. Other teams began to watch game footage of Lin, studying his weaknesses and designing defenses to counter them. Needless to say, Linsanity died a quick death.

In all honesty, I'm sad that Linsanity turned out to be a sham. Like many people, I wanted to buy into the idea of a Cinderella hoops story. I wanted to believe that everyone -- the coaches, the scouts, the executives, and even the cold hard statistics-- were wrong. I wanted Jeremy Lin to be next big thing.

But the truth is the truth.

And in this case, the truth is that Jeremy Lin can't play. At least not at the highest levels. And no amount of "Linsanity" can change that.


Follow Marc Lamont Hill on Twitter:

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Federal Report Could Lead To Greater Cancer Risk at Dirty Bomb Sites

People living near the site of a radiological attack could face greater cancer risks then what the government would normally allow if officials follow the anticipated recommendations of an upcoming report commissioned by the U.S. Homeland Security Department.

The report will likely suggest that a radiation dose to the human body of between 100 and 2,000 millirems per year is the target officials should keep in mind when deciding how to clean up after a ?dirty bomb? or nuclear terror attack, according to S.Y. Chen, a senior environmental engineer at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois.

Roughly 1 in 23 people would be expected to develop cancer from receiving a 2,000 millirem dose of radiation annually for 30 years, based on estimates from the International Commission on Radiological Protection, a private, nongovernmental organization whose work Chen cites as the basis for the recommendations. Approximately 1 in 466 people would be expected to develop cancer from an annual dose of 100 millirems over the same time period, according to calculations Global Security Newswire conducted using ICRP projections.

?It is just ethically indefensible,? Daniel Hirsch, a nuclear policy lecturer at the University of California-Santa Cruz, told GSN. ?Anyone proposing such a thing should go to jail.?

Normally, remediation of toxic U.S. properties is designed so 1 out of 10,000 people exposed to a site for 30 years would be expected to develop cancer in a worst-case scenario. One in 1 million people would be expected to develop cancer in the best possible situation.

Chen, chairman of the panel writing the new report, said he and his colleagues do not believe these guidelines ? established in the 1980s by the Environmental Protection Agency?s Superfund program ? must be followed after a terrorist attack.

The experience of the Japanese in the wake of last year?s earthquake- and tsunami-induced nuclear power plant meltdowns proves the need to consider economic factors in carrying out a massive cleanup, Chen told GSN in a recent interview. He argued the Superfund program was developed to deal with contamination that is more limited in scope and is not applicable to terrorist situations.

?Bring Superfund to Japan and see how it?s going to work. It will fail miserably,? Chen said. In the event of a dirty bomb or nuclear attack, ?it won?t just be a Superfund-like community where several acres are contaminated,? he said. ?Everywhere everybody will get disrupted big time. You have to worry about your jobs, you worry about business, you worry about your livelihood on a daily basis. So all of the sudden it?s no longer a contamination issue, it?s a bigger society issue that everyone has to cope with.?

Many Superfund sites are actually larger than what federal officials and other experts typically describe when they discuss how much land they would expect a dirty bomb to contaminate, however. Such a weapon would use conventional explosives to disperse radioactive material over a relatively small area.

While an existing DHS guide that the forthcoming report is meant to supplement describes the probable affected area as ranging between ?a single building or city block? to ?conceivably several square miles,? Superfund sites often cover hundreds of square miles.

A major concern among watchdog groups is that the DHS guide, combined with the forthcoming report, will establish a precedent that will relax remediation standards not only for areas contaminated by dirty bombs, but also for the more routine cleanup of nuclear weapons facilities owned by the Energy Department and other sites with radioactive contamination.

In 2008, the Environmental Protection Agency drafted a similar guide that would have abandoned the Superfund approach to cleanup after a wide range of radiological incidents, including accidents at nuclear power plants and industrial facilities that use radioactive material. The Obama administration delayed action on the Bush-era draft; a revised version is now pending review at the White House Management and Budget Office.

Documents the agency released under the Freedom of Information Act show some EPA staff and state government officials objected to the proposed abandonment of Superfund guidelines.

Carl Spreng, a project manager at the Colorado Public Health and the Environment Department, told GSN the dose range Chen suggests as an alternative is ?way outside? what state officials ?would consider safe and have argued for many years.?

Read the full story here.



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Media Advisory: Electoral Cliffhanger, the Fiscal Cliff, and the Post-Election Economic Propects for the US, China, and Euro Area - November 8

Media Advisory

Electoral Cliffhanger, the Fiscal Cliff, and the Post-Election Economic Propects for the US, China, and Euro Area ? November 8

WHO: Adam S. Posen
President Elect, Peterson Institute for International Economics

David J. Stockton
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

Nicholas R. Lardy
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

WHEN: Thursday, November 8, 2012
(Lunch at noon, program at 12:30)
WHERE: C. Fred Bergsten Conference Center
Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics
1750 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(Metro: Red Line to Dupont Circle)
Note: This meeting is open to all press but by invitation only to the general public.
Please also note if technical assistance is required.

The Peterson Institute will resume its semiannual "Global Economic Prospects" meeting on Thursday, November 8, taking into account the outcome of the US election and the change in Chinese leadership. The presenters will forecast the outlook for the three major components of the global economy: the United States, Europe and the euro area in particular, and China. These three are the sources of greatest risk and opportunity for the world outlook.

The US outlook will be presented by David J. Stockton, the newest senior fellow at the Institute who formerly served as the chief economist at the Federal Reserve Board.

The outlook for Europe and the euro area will be presented by Adam S. Posen, president elect of the Institute, who recently completed a three year term as a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England.

Senior fellow Nicholas R. Lardy, who has been called "everybody's guru on China" by the National Journal, will assess the outlook for that country.

Stockton, Posen, and Lardy will address not only the fiscal, monetary, and currency issues, but also the political challenges confronting the next US administration and Congress.

Brian Reil
Media Liaison
Peterson Institute for International Economics
1750 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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Nintendo Wii U North American sales top 400K in first week

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime says Wii U sales crested 400K units in its first week, according to internal sales data. That's just part of a 1.2 million hardware sales week that Nintendo's enjoyed across the past seven days -- which include the crucial Black Friday -- where the Wii saw 300K units sold, and portables dominated. Nintendo's 3DS sold 250K, while the aged DS moved 275K -- not too shabby for an eight-plus-year-old console! CNET snagged the data from Fils-Aime in a post-Wii U launch phone interview, where he characterized 3DS sales as continuing on a "record-setting pace" (now at more than 6 million units sold-in to North American retailers).

As for the seemingly paltry launch sales of the Wii U console -- 200K units shy of the original Wii's launch week -- Fils-Aime says it's a question of his company's ability to keep it in stores and not of lacking demand. "Retailers are also doing their best to get the product to store shelves. But as soon as product hits retail, they're selling out immediately," Fils-Aime explains. Without giving any concrete promises or timetables, he adds, "We are looking to have as much product into retail as possible."

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Source: Cnet


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Audio Streaming Explained ? How To Use It To Your Business ...

Ecommerce business ventures have gained popularity because of the remarkable profits made by these businesses. However, to ensure success in any type of business you?ll want to use particular strategies and marketing techniques. You need to promote your product or services to the right customers so that your business is a success.Same is the case with the online businesses and your website is the medium through which you interact with your potential customers. This is the reason why you have to design your website attractively and effectively so that it conveys the various features and benefits of your product to your customer effectively. It is for this fact that many companies invest a lot of time and effort along with money to design their websites in the best possible manner. Audio streaming is one of the most effective and popular techniques to polish your website.By employing audio streaming in your website you will actually manage to guide your customers through the website. This technique is just a blessing for visitors who are visually challenged. These viewers will also be able to understand the features of your product and will be able to judge the same. Because of this technique you will be able to convey a lot of information to your visitors as if the information is mentioned in a written format some people may actually omit certain things as people don?t generally read everything which is mentioned on the web pages.This technique can definitely be useful for people who tend to have a hectic schedule and they will be able to continue with their work even when listening to your presentation. Also, due to the advancement in technology people can browse the Internet from their cell phones. However, while doing so they may not be able to decipher the small print on their cell phone and in such a case the audio streaming will come quite handy.Audio streaming thus remains a crucial website marketing technique and it is worthwhile employing.


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The Family Tree

?Steve, please get the Christmas decorations out of the attic. Now.?

The response from the recliner in the other room was very unChristmas-like.

?Bah humbug,? a man?s voice growled.

It was the annual battle of their marriage. ?Judy Gibson loved decorating for Christmas. Her husband loved watching football.

?Why are we putting up a tree anyway? The kids are gone. They live out of state. ?We?re flying out to see them this year.? ?Steve knew the answer, but picked at his wife anyway.

Judy quietly shook her head. ?Married to Steve for nearly 40 years, she closed her eyes and remembered their wedding. The base chapel had been decorated for Advent. ?She could still smell the fresh-cut cedar branches and see the burning candles. ?And there was Steve, standing proudly at the alter in his Naval uniform, weighing maybe 160 lbs. ? Steve was like a tree now; you could cut him in half and count forty rings from where he had put on weight over the years. Judy remembered their honeymoon at Biltmore House in Asheville. The Vanderbilt?s mansion was so beautifully decorated for the holidays. Being a young girl from Mississippi, she had never seen a house that big. ?Something about the mountains, the trees and the Christmas ornaments touched her heart. When she saw the banquet room and its big tree, she vowed they would always have a great tree, too.

Father Noel?s Tree Farm had provided their one. ?Steve struggled to strap it to the top of their Chevrolet Impala wagon. ?She remembered it looking like a walking tree as he hauled it into their one-bedroom base apartment. ?They were so poor that the only ornaments they owned ?were ribbon ornaments made from a red and white checkered table cloth. ?Hot lights and reflectors illuminated the dry tree. It was a miracle they didn?t burn base housing down.

It was 1972. ?And since there was little Peace on Earth and goodwill to men, Steve had been overseas for most of the year. ?That fall, he brought back ornaments from all his ports of call. ?And then they took a trip to Hawaii. That December, their new tree had five new ornaments joining the ribbons. ?Her favorite was the palm tree with the lady with the ukelele. She could almost hear Don Ho singing ?Tiny Bubbles? when she saw it at the tacky little souvenir shop.

The next Christmas Steve and Judy had a new member of the family. ?Frances May Gibson was born nine months after their trip to Hawaii and the new tree had a new ornament as well. It was a wooden stork with the time, date and weight of the new baby. ?The next two trees found two more storks joining Frances May?s. ?Steve Jr. and Albert Frances were now part of ?the young family.

Steve was promoted to a command position on the U.S.S. Enterprise and soon a small aircraft carrier ornament joined the storks and the ribbons. ?Judy diligently saved up Green Stamps and got a set of beautiful gold glass ball ornaments. Those were bought when they lived in Norfolk, Virginia. ?There was a Norfolk ornament, too. ?Every town they lived in would have its own ornament. Like in their heart, it would have a special place in their tree.

The next year, Frances May came home with a special ornament made in preschool. ?It was made from a margarine lid, red construction paper and a photo of her ponytailed, tooth-missing freckled face. ?Each kid would come home with similar ornaments over the years. And each would have its own place on the tree.

The next summer found the Gibsons headed to Disney World. ?Most folks would have pitied the couple hauling the three kids around the Magic Kingdom. But Judy and Steve were having as much fun as the kids. ?Judy saved up her spare change and bought a beautiful globe with Cinderella?s castle on it. ?Mickey himself would have been proud of the place of honor given to the ornament.

In the mid-1980?s Steve came home from a cruise with a big box. ??I saw this and had to get it for you.? ?Judy unwrapped the golden paper and saw the most beautiful angel she had ever seen. ?I thought she looked like you,? Steve grinned. He climbed up the stepladder and proudly placed it on the top of the tree.

Steve and Judy had a little cat named Nixon when they were married. ?Nixon had his ornament. ?Nixon was soon joined by a terrier-mix named Snowflake. ?She had her own ornament, too. Nixon tragically was hit by a Captain?s car on a rainy November night. ?Snowflake died of old age and soon a small puppy named Lady Bird joined the family. The pets were well represented with ornaments. So were all the trips Steve and Judy took around the world. Barcelona, Paris, New York, Washington D.C., London all hung on their family. Steve liked the little Eiffel Tower the best. ? It reminded him of holding hands with Judy during strolls down the busy Paris streets.

Tragedy struck the family in 1992. ? Albert, their youngest, died in a car accident on the way to The University of Maryland. ?Judy?s hand shook uncontrollably as she hung his ornaments on the tree the following Christmas. Steve had not wanted to put up the tree. He felt that they should cancel Christmas and take the family as far away from their home as possible. But Judy insisted the tree be put up. ?Seeing the ornaments hang on the conifer?s branches healed her battered heart. ?She stretched out on the floor every night, staring at the tree and cried.

Soon there were ornaments with college mascots, wedding photos and birth announcements. Grandchildren?s favorite toys hung from the branches. ?The joy of the early 1970?s returned as the little kids stared in awe at the giant tree covered with ornaments. ?Judy loved the tell the kids the stories behind every single one of them.

In 2005, Steve retired as a Rear Admiral. ?A single star hung from a branch signifying his distinguished naval career. ?Judy survived a bout with breast cancer earlier that year and a pink ribbon was placed on the tree. ?They continued to travel. ?Ornaments from towns from far across the nation soon joined the tree. They were where their children now lived. The tree and the memories it represented filled the empty nest.

?Steve, get up in the attic and get the boxes down. It?s time to decorate the tree.?

Grumbling preceded the retired Admiral as he faked protest. ?He knew the importance of this day.

First the lights went up. Then the beads. Christmas music from every year of their marriage played on the iPad. Then came the red ribbons. The sacred red ribbons. They always were the first to go on. Each box held ornaments from an event, place or person. She and Steve put up Albert?s ornaments. Her hand shook slightly as she looked as her lost son?s handsome face. Copious tears ran down her cheeks. ?How she missed the boy.

Then, branch by branch, the ornaments filled up the giant Scotch Pine.

Their Christmas was a scrapbook of their life together. Branches were chapters and ornaments were pages. Each represented a special time or place.

Steve and Judy held hands and admired their work when they finished. To them, it was more than just a Christmas tree. It represented their amazing life together.

It was their family tree.





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Recreation bowling scoreboard - Blue Water Sports Network

League Highs


Kidets: Kristen Ultsch 359(136); Alex Hout 292(107); Trevor 286(102)

Bumbroo?s: Emma Rhadigan 92(78); Tyler Stoutmeyer 177(97); Buddha Schindler 93


Bumpers: Mackenzie Zimmerman 108; Madison Zimmerman 105, Trista Singles 77, Kassidy Kavanagh 75, Genna Singles 66, Lauren Bellman 55, Clara Bellman 37, Kenny Herbert 583(204); Nicholas Snyder 541(236); Matthew Tetreau 517(211); Dalton Beidler 496(210); Ben Snyder 458; Kenny Herbert 204; Katie Hodgins 362(151); Lindsay Klein 323(143)

2 game series

Noelle Scheuer 472(245); Morgan Conner 351(191); Heather Bruci 339; Kelli Gusumano 192; Nicholas Medley 409(236); Zack Blackstock 359(208); Jacob Folske 339(219)

Blue Water Mixers

Becky Van Hoesen 582(215); Sandy Baker 512(179); Brenda Arnold 498(188); Myra Warren 178; Greg Marshall 696(58); Steve Watson 667(256); Terry Thompson 650(253); Jeff Van Hoesen 630(245); Steve Baker 626; Terry Thompson 253

Dan Wilkinson Memorial

Paul Collins 705(258); Kevin Renno 680(257); Ray Randall 679(250); Steve Jakubowski 678(236); Rick Dodge 661(224); Mark Chesney 663(247); Alicia Schroeder 600(233); Jamie Yeager 544(201)

Don McIvor Memorial

Michael Ganhs 813(300); Jesse Diaz, Jr. 692(256); Mike E. Gossman 692(255); Ron McCulloch 685(249); Frank Mitchell 644(262); Dale Camphausen 760(289); Rick St. Onge 717(259); Jim Stoutmeyer 651(246)

Friday Night Wanna Bees

Gary Goddard 643(259); Paul Lewandowski 666(258); Eric Wehner 655(255); Louis Hinojosa 697(268); Chad Jeroue 726(256); Brad Stone 677(242)

Mixed Singles

Becky Van Hoesen 692(275); Becky Bauman 542(203); Rick Sosa 592(215); Jeff Dettloff 218; Ondrea Hooper 210

Mon PM Adult Bowling

Tim Sassanella 533(189); Bill Shand 508(184); Tom Trisch 556(201); Mel Totzke 515(188); Bev Cummings 580(245); Gerry Sedich 473(180); Ronnie Yorke 467(174)

Mueller Retirees

Geri Wise 535(212); Luann Carlisle 518; Juanita Peter 187; Vic Gregowski 714(278)(237); Elmer Gamble 624(234); Bob Hall 623; Ron Dunlap 247

Port Huron Hospital

Anita Hubbard 562(223); Jamie Yeager 533(205); Joddy Swoffer 521; Diana Sharrow 211

Viking Three Man

Steve Jakubowski 702(246); Bob Sosnoski 601(222); Ron Fowler 602(226); Matt Phillips 602(207); Ron Zimmer 613(246); Don Millan 621(224)

BOD Sunday Men?s

Henry Sullivan 719(290); Mark Welsh 677(256); Nate Kelly 711(256); Daniel Roberts 683(267); Pat Reilly 687(276); Scott Badley 685; Rod Reeves 686(280); Ray Randall 706(246)

Original Sunday Funtimers

Jane Morris 529; Catherine Pulliam 526(200); Vickie Emigh 506; Sherry Middleton 180; Jesse Diaz, Jr. 741(256); Tom Almendarez 617(255); Rick Sosa 617(254); Craig Seaman 648(238); Jason Diaz 602(214); Chuck Middleton 214

Port Huron Hospital AM

Randy Teufel 606(204); Gary Smith 610(258); Elmer Gamble 589(225); Ken McCauley 624(214); Jeff Wright 658(224); Jerry Grzech 645(227); Vic Gregowski 690(239); Mike Mullins 644(224); Margaret Nelson 534; Nadine LaGruth 529; Michelle Carlson 597(213)

Saturday Nite Live

Vicki Moss 478; Pat Walsh 477; Denise Northup 476; Shannon Sepsey 196; Tabby Foltz 182; Melissa Tanton-Todd 182; Troy Camm 596(225); A.J. Foltz 595; Jose Pena, Sr. 595; Joel Scouten 234; Jim Stoutmeyer 233


Brenda Delano 166; Cindy Badley 481(168); Tara Barnes 475(181); Terry Trousdale 491(178); Sherry Mitchell 472(165)

Adult Activities-Mon AM

Maxine Brown 488(171); Jane Angels 455(169); Eleanor Sweeney 446; Phoebe Frizzle 163; John Szczygiel 622(255); Rick Morgan 602(213); Ron Messer 594; Bob Crorey 592(215); Rod Downing 213

Friday Morning Industrial

Gary Weiss 679; Steve Jakubowski 667; Bill Fogarty 257; Mike Schindler 269

Friday AM Seniors

Phoebe Frizzle 514(193); Robyn Rossow 471; Lil Woolman 180; Robert Hall 599(211); Bernie McCoy 586(235)

Friday PM Seniors

Nadine LaGruth 512(183); Joyce Bailey 182; Red Cowper 601; Lysle Smith 255; Richard Shovan 215

Inter City Ladies

Kristie Lashbrook 572(211); Jenny Delor 562(206); Michelle Jones 545(225); Ann Nichols 545(212); Kelly Larsen 205


Rich Winchester 779(300)

People of Faith

Aleiha Schmidt 526(206); Kimm Kincer 522(185); Hayley Cox 507; Andrea Deland 186; Dave Cox 724(267); Don Thiede 585; Tim Campbell 571(225); Ricky Sanchez 214

Saturday Nite Bridge

Chuck Ouellette, Jr. 268; Tim Donnenworth 267; Casey Donnenworth 756(263); Cliff Crawford 742; Russell Barnes 682; Jim Creasor 682; Kimmie Symon 605(259); Judy Burns 220; Laura Thompson 542(212); Wendy Tetreau 548

Sunday Outcast

Debbie Turck 518(196); Jean Pihaylic 490(177); Ashley Smith 481; Pam Reid 181; Branna Filozof 180; Scott Badley 722(266); Mike Raleigh 244; Frank Mitchell 244

Tuesday AM Adult

D.J. Gombos 572(205); Rella Kilbourn 481(178); Bob Hall 579(232); Max Frizzle 546(205);

Tuesday Early Ladies

Donna Class 486(202); Liz Fetterly 514; Maxine Brown 197

Wednesday Night Ladies

Judy Hawley 538; Melissa Rood 524; Cec Simmons 506; Noel Frost 595(222); Sharon Axford 528; Stephanie Black 510

Beer Rats

Charlie Bockstanz 606(265); Marie Warner 470(185)

Ladies City League

Kristen Herbert 624(240); Cindy Herbert 516(202); Melissa Simons 487(190); Anna Distelrath 503; Marleen Bachand 198

Monday Big 12

Marc Vincent 679(248); Rob Roberts 699(256); C.J. Oles 268; Jim Peck 256; Don Lumley 738(265); Butch Murray 253; Jack Fletcher 257; Craig Verbeke 704(249); Mark Schoeneweg 682(235); Jeff Meldrum 696(257)

River Queens

Anita Hubbard 565(211); Shari Severini 517(219); Lisa Rice 494; Karen McCoy 486(180); Sue Starbuck 195; Sue Pope 175; Denise Grabski 166; Lori Hoover 156

Monday Night Mixed

Ken Swartz 596(242); Tony Chevalier 594(244); Dan Napier 556; Brian Klovski 223; Kim Ludwig 505; Sherri Robichaud 484; Tracey Rygwelski 462(187); Gretchen Jagoda 192; Robin Sager 200

Saturday Night Live Mixed

Chad Wolak 684(265); Bob Dalia 652(246); Luke Roose 651; George Whiting 258; Elayne Gale 531(202); Lorrie Jackson 509; Kerri Hauss 493(210); Lisa Langtry 189

Sunday Night Strikers

Andy Schultz 734(259); Jim Gostovich 634(251); Jerry Brown 588; Don Simmons 224; Irene Simmons 540(204); Kathy Hayward 523(193); Vicki Vandevelde 499(182)

Thursday 50 Plus

Bubba Van Buren 613(242); Jerry Brown 604(215); Bernie McCoy 561(216); Peg Vanantwerp 527(193); Linda Van Buren 520; Cecelia Plass 480(168); Nina Essenmacher 180

Thursday Ridge Runners

Kyle Simmons 725(259); John Sommers 682; Jim Carl 677(259); Brian Harmon 267

Tuesday Night Classic

Eric Emmi 752(277); Larry Essenmacher 741; Jim Gostovich 701(266); Andy Schultz 259

Tuesday Richmond Seniors

Don Staton 598(224); Bernie McCoy 584(213); Don Bushbaker 571; Jerry Brown 211; Peg Vanantwerp 586(215); Cecelia Plass 473; Suzanne McCoy 465(196); Janet Hope 183

Weekend Warriors

George Allen 620(255); Ralph Fisher 606(237); Tom Friedeman 586(266); Cec Soldan 539(206); Susan Hill 515; Cheryl Dudley 515(185); Carol Kuester 191

Women?s Wednesday Night

Sue Hill 580; Vicki Vandevelde 562(223); Irene Simmons 560(206); Inez Schmidt 209

Honor Roll

Women?s High Series

Becky Van Hoesen 692
Alicia Schroeder 600
Bev Cummings 580
Anita Hubbard 562
Jamie Yeager 544

Women?s High Game

Becky Van Hoesen 275
Bev Cummings 245
Alicia Schroeder 233
Anita Hubbard 223
Geri Wise 212

Men?s High Series

Michael Ganhs 813
Dale Camphausen 760
Chad Jeroue 726
Rick St. Onge 717
Vic Gregowski 714

Men?s High Game

Michael Ganhs 300
Dale Camphausen 289
Vic Gregowski 278
Louis Hinojosa 268
Frank Mitchell 262

Women?s High Series

Michelle Carlson 597
Margaret Nelson 534
Jane Morris 529
Nadine LaGruth 529
Catherine Pulliam 526

Women?s High Game

Michelle Carlson 213
Catherine Pulliam 200
Shannon Sepsey 196
Tabby Foltz 192
Tara Barnes 181

Men?s High Series

Jesse Diaz, Jr. 741
Henry Sullivan 719
Nate Kelly 711
Ray Randall 706
Vic Gregowski 690

Men?s High Game

Henry Sullivan 290
Rod Reeves 280
Pat Reilly 276
Dan Roberts 267
Gary Smith 258

Women?s High Series

Kimmie Symon 605
Noel Frost 595
Kristie Lashbrook 572
Jenny Delor 562
Michelle Jones 545
Ann Nichols 545

Women?s High Game

Kimmie Symon 259
Michelle Jones 225
Noel Frost 222
Judy Burns 220
Laura Thompson 212
Ann Nichols 212

Men?s High Series

Rick Winchester 779
Casey Donnenworth 756
Cliff Crawford 742
Dave Cox 724
Scott Badley 722

Men?s High Game

Rick Winchester 300
Mike Schindler 269
Chuck Ouellette, Jr. 268
Tim Donnenworth 267
Dave Cox 267

Women?s High Series

Kristen Herbert 624
Anita Hubbard 565
Shari Severini 517
Cindy Herbert 516
Anna Distelrath 503

Women?s High Game

Kristen Herbert 240
Shari Severini 219
Anita Hubbard 211
Cindy Herbert 202
Sue Starbuck 195

Men?s High Series

Don Lumley 738
Craig Verbeke 704
Rob Roberts 699
Jeff Meldrum 696
Mark Schoeneweg 682

Men?s High Game

C.J. Oles 268
Charlie Bockstanz 265
Don Lumley 265
Jack Fletcher 257
Jeff Meldrum 257

Women?s High Series

Peg Vanantwerp 586
Sue Hill 580
Vicki Vandevelde 562
Irene Simmons 560
Cec Soldan 539

Women?s High Game

Noelle Scheuer 245
Vicki Vandevelde 223
Peg Vanantwerp 215
Kerri Hauss 210
Inez Schmidt 209

Men?s High Series

Eric Emmi 752
Larry Essenmacher 741
Andy Schultz 734
Kyle Simmons 725
Jim Gostovich 701

Men?s High Game

Eric Emmi 277
Brian Harmon 267
Jim Gostovich 266
Tom Friedeman 266
Chad Wolak 265


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Audio streaming can allow you to provide a personal touch to your sales letter for visitors. It can add that voice of reason, compassion and opportunity that simple words on a screen just can?t do.The truth is many of your online visitors will scan your presentation. They will gravitate toward bullet points and only read what seems most important.Are you afraid customers might miss something?You can embed an mp3 audio file into your sales page that can help customers catch the most important parts and they are delivered in a way that only you can.Of course you can always hire a professional to voice the project for you. Sites like voices and voice123 as well as RadioDaddy have been used to successfully gain this type of audio from a professional voice talent.The good news is you can also do it yourself. You can purchase a USB linked microphone for less than $40 and use a simple mp3 audio file. A quick search engine visit should bring several free recording software alternatives for you to consider.You may also be able to find a secondary host for your mp3 file and then embed the visible link in your sales page. This can be a quick and inexpensive way to make your audio stream possible.Most online business owners only think of audio streaming as either podcasts or Internet radio. Some have not even thought of the potential for audio streaming in a business environment.Yes, there are businesses that are developing podcasts ? and they are gaining a following as they offer quality infotainment. They mix a little important stuff with a few fun items and the listener is often left encouraged to come back again next time.Let me write just a bit about a few things you don?t want to do when you decide to provide an audio stream of your sales pitch.1. Do not attempt to ?wing it? unless you are exceptionally good. Script your approach and read it out loud (and often) before attempting to record.2. Do not try to make your sales pitch hard sell. It?s a simple back click for the visitor and they aren?t afraid to use it.3. Do not come across as dull and unenthusiastic. Ask a trusted friend or family member to evaluate the presentation. If you?re first read is boring it?s time to rerecord. Try some coffee before you read again and smile when you talk.4. Do not read the entire sales letter. Prioritize what?s important and include a call to action. Remember your visitor will often scan for what they feel is most important. If you read it all they will likely get bored. Make liberal use of your bullet points and minimize any verbal expansion on those subjects.5. Do not apologize for what you may feel is inexperience with audio streaming. If you bring this up you are unintentionally saying, ?I don?t know what I?m doing ? don?t trust me.?Audio streaming has a growing place within online business. The cost to get started is minimal and it could transmit to a very lucrative conversion rate.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Vonn turns in solid 1st run in return to racing

ASPEN, Colo. (AP) ? Lindsey Vonn overcame an error and exhaustion in her return to World Cup racing after missing time with an intestinal illness that landed her in the hospital.

The four-time overall champion finished the first run of the giant slalom Saturday in 10th place and trails leader Tina Maze of Slovenia by 1.95 seconds heading into the second run. Maze won the season opening GS race last month.

Vonn nearly made a costly mistake on the challenging course, but managed to recover. It required all the energy a weakened Vonn had left, causing her to lose time through the last 10 gates. Vonn recently returned to training after being hit by the stomach bug.

Maria Hoefl-Riesch of Germany hit a gate, bruising her upper left arm and ending her day.


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94% Looper

All Critics (231) | Top Critics (41) | Fresh (216) | Rotten (15)

The reasoning behind all this may not reward prolonged inspection, but Johnson is smart enough to press onward with his plot, leaving us with neither the time nor the desire to linger over the logic ...

Writer-director Rian Johnson establishes himself as an original talent who clearly believes storytelling must prevail.

A mind-bending ride that is not afraid to slow down now and again, to explore themes of regret and redemption, solitude and sacrifice, love and loss. It's a movie worth seeing and, perhaps, going back to see again.

Looper has more heart than Brick and the 2008 con-man flick The Brothers Bloom. Both fine achievements, they could also be described as viscerally cerebral.

I'm a sucker for time-travel movies.

Looper felt to me like a maddening near-miss ...

Looper is among the cleverest, most skillfully crafted and entertaining sci-fi thrillers of the past 20 years.

The smartest, most stylish and most outright entertaining science-fiction film of the year.

A thought-provoking, heart-pounding take on the applications and ethics of time travel which, oddly enough, doubles up as a lesson in the importance of good parenting.

This is one of those rare genre movies (like the original TERMINATOR) that reminds us that Sci-Fi can be smart. It's much more than just a bunch of special effects and explosions. It's what all movies should aspire to be.

While it sometimes feels like it's trying to do much, Looper manages to be a creditable and exciting sci-fi flick that homages the past while carving out a unique identity.

Much as he did in Brick, Johnson creates a carefully drawn world in Looper that exists by its own particular set of rules.

... has an irresistible energy and a don't-give-a-damn unpredictability ...

Beautifully crafted, acted and written.

Anchors high-concept thrills and captivating ideas in a world of challenging morality and intricate personal consequences.

Truly imaginative but all the twists and turns make the overall film difficult to follow. Plus Gordon-Levitt has not reached leading man status yet.

Kind of a reverse-"Terminator" without any of James Cameron's wit (or wisdom),

An endlessly creative mind-blowing film that captures everything right about the movie going experience. Johnson conjures up the most imaginative action/science fiction film since 'Inception.'

Part science fiction, part mob movie, and with a nice infusion of dark comedy at just the right moments, Looper is Johnson's best movie yet, and manages to be hugely entertaining, affecting, and thought-provoking.

takes us far beyond the film's high-concept premise into the kind of emotional terrain that too often escapes even the best genre filmmakers

Doesn't quite reach the heights of the lofty ideals that it so ardently seeks to expound, but makes up for this with the sheer thrill of the journey Rian Johnson takes us on.

Ingenious with a fine performance by Emily Blunt, but far too much cold-blooded violence.

Engaging, exciting, and successfully cross-breeding elements of Terminator and even Pet Sematary, Looper is a solid work of palatable science-fiction.

Looper's super. An action-thriller that bothers to have a brain.

Looper may not take us back to the future as satisfyingly as Robert Zemeckis' Marty McFly trilogy or James Cameron's Terminator franchise, but writer-director Rian Johnson does enough right to all but guarantee that he has a future cult film on the books.

The best time travel films play on emotion rather than logic, and once Looper realises this and drops all the tail-chasing about how time travel works it settles into the engrossing action/drama about destiny it should have been from the get go.


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Virgin Mobile Casino Releases Three New Games - Online Casinos

Kitty Glitter Mobile Slot Leading online gaming company, Virgin Games, has announced the release of three new mobile games by leading game developer, International Gaming Technology (IGT) that will be available exclusively at Virgin Mobile Casino.

The three new mobile games, Kitty Glitter, Elvis and Wolf Run are bound to attract many players to Virgin Mobile Casino.

Virgin Mobile Casino was launched in December, 2011 for the purpose of offering players a selection of table and instant win games and a range of slots from two leading software providers, namely Microgaming and International Gaming Technology.

It was recently revealed that the Mobile Casino platform currently accounts for over 10 per cent of Virgin Games? gross revenue.

Virgin Mobile Casino at present has a content partnership with both International Gaming Technology and Microgaming and intends to introduce additional partners in the near future in order to offer the same selection of games via the Mobile app as its customers experience at the web based Casino.

According to Joshua Morris, the Commercial Director at Virgin Games, the three new mobile games that have been added to Virgin Mobile Casino continue their trend of adding the best games from the web onto mobile. Morris added that they have already seen 10% of their gross revenues being derived from Mobile in less than a year since its launch and that with the addition of popular titles such as those recently launched, they are strengthening their position as a multi-game aggregator.

Virgin Games has made it possible for its players to use the same account to play at Virgin Casino, Virgin Poker and Virgin Bingo as well as at its mobile casino.

More Online Gambling News


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

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Scientists rush to save iconic manta rays

By Rebecca Pilkington-Vincett

A feeding station popular with manta rays is not far from the Misool Eco Resort and Conservation Center in Raja Ampat, eastern Indonesia.

By Adrienne Mong, NBC News

RAJA AMPAT, Indonesia ?They?ve been described by one scientist as ?pandas of the ocean.?

?They?re such an iconic species, beloved by divers,? said Andrea Marshall, director of the?Marine Megafauna Foundation, who came up with the description during an interview with NBC News. ?They?re just amazing.??

Unlikely as it might seem, the panda and the manta ray have a lot in common.

Just as scientists still haven?t been able to confirm the number of pandas in the wild, they also have no idea how many manta rays exist.

?Globally we don?t know how many manta rays there are,? said Guy Stevens, director of the U.K.-based?Manta Trust,?whose research is largely based around manta populations in the Maldives.

But -- again, like the panda -- scientists think it?s a small population.

?If they?re lucky, (manta rays) have two pups (over several years).?That?s a very low reproductive rate, especially compared to your average fish,? said Dr. Heidi Dewar, a biologist at the?Southwest Fisheries Science Center, part of NOAA.

Anecdotal evidence suggests mantas are under threat, and China may be a major reason for it.

Manta rays are vulnerable on two fronts: as bycatch ? getting caught in industrial fishing nets targeting different types of tuna ? and, increasingly, because of traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM.?

Manta rays are abundant in the waters around Raja Ampat, eastern Indonesia.

Manta rays are harvested for their gill rakers, which allow the fish to filter food from water.? Some Chinese believe they have healing properties or are good at cleaning out toxins. One Chinese-language?website claims gill rakers enhance the immune system, promote blood circulation and aid in the treatment of cancer, skin disease and infertility.

?It?s just cartilage,? said Dewar, echoing skepticism expressed by many scientists.

Medicinal fad?
Conservationists say manta rays aren?t even considered ?traditional? medicine and argue no reference to the animal can be found in TCM books dating back a century. But with rising incomes that enable Chinese consumers to readily adopt medicinal fads, the impact on manta rays has accelerated over the past 10 to 15 years.?

?A lot of it is completely unrecorded,? said Stevens, who worked on a project founded by Shark Savers and WildAid to document the scope of gill-raker harvesting.?

Understanding the beauty and diversity of Raja Ampat, aka 'Underwater Eden'

Researchers looked at the location, value and species involved. ?It does seem the majority of all of those gills that are being traded are ending up in China,? Stevens said.

The conclusion, published in a report called?Manta Ray of Hope, found that roughly 3,400 manta rays and 94,000 mobulas?(related to the manta ray family) are caught each year, but the numbers reflect only reported catches. ?Unreported and subsistence fisheries will mean true landings are much higher,? the report said.?

On patrol with a shark ranger in Indonesia's marine treasure trove

Visits to random TCM shops in Beijing and Shanghai turned up no gill rakers. In fact, a veteran pharmacist at Tongrentang, a long-established purveyor of traditional Chinese and herbal medicines, said she had never heard of manta rays being used this way.

But the Manta Ray of Hope report estimates a mature ocean manta could yield up to 15 pounds of dried gills that can bring in as much as $230 a pound in a market in China.?

Australia moves to ban fishing trawler with 900-foot-long net

Marshall said she has noticed an uptick in manta fishing. ?I?ve been (in Mozambique) in the last decade ? and we?ve seen an 87 percent decline in the population because of the fishing.??

Unlike many shippers, Chinese merchants who transport cheap products from the mainland for export to Africa ?want to fill [their unloaded cargo vessels] with resources wherever they go.? In Africa, they fill it up with wood, fish or shark?s fin,? she said.??They?ll go out to the local fisheries along the coastline and scout for these products.??

The scientist has spoken to members of local communities, who say the Chinese offer ?new nets, new lines, new hooks.?(The Chinese traders) say to them, ?If you get the sharks or the mantas or the turtles, you get all the meat. You can keep all the meat. You just sell us the things you don?t normally eat.'??

Protecting a ?threatened? species
Mantas were listed last year as ?threatened? under the international Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species.

The?International Union for the Conservation of Nature?has classified the manta ray as ?vulnerable? to extinction.?

PhotoBlog: Raja Ampat archipelago: The world's last paradise

Chinese scientists have also weighed in.?

?In the last two years, we have conducted evaluations of the manta ray and submitted a recommendation to the government to list it as a protected species,? said Professor Wang Yanmin from Shandong University?s Marine College.

?There is no regulation for protecting the manta ray so sales of mantas are not illegal,? said Feng Yongfeng, founder of Green Beagle, a group that promotes environmental protection.

Groups like Manta Trust are focusing on getting manta rays listed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). But scientists have their work cut out for them.?

?It?s very difficult to get listed on CITES.? They ask for a lot of detail that is difficult to pin down,? said Marshall. ??Maybe in the terrestrial world, biologists can provide those kinds of details. ?When you?re talking about the megafauna [or large marine species] world, it?s very difficult.??

Marshall ? who discovered a second type of manta ray in 2008 and is in the process of identifying a third -- acknowledges little is known about them.

AFP - Getty Images file

A huge manta ray weighing more than 2,200 pounds and measuring nearly 9 yards in length was caught off the eastern coast of China this past September.

Manta births a mystery?
Vexing questions include the manta?s life span, details of their reproductive ecology and migratory patterns.?

?I could wrap my life up in 20 minutes if I could talk to them,? she joked. ??It has been driving me insane for the last ten years because I haven?t been able to figure out where they give birth.? It?s 2012 and nobody has ever seen a manta give birth in the wild.??

And research is painstaking. For one, concentrations of the animal tend to be around far-flung islands.?Stevens of Manta Trust cited the costs of tracking mantas and the difficulty in locating and knowing how to study them.?

With technological improvements, however, scientists are gaining some ground. Satellite tags are one way to help the research.??What do they do when we can?t observe them? I?d love to follow an animal to find out how they spend their time,? said Stevens. ?The tagging gives you small glimpses of them.??

Two dive instructors at the Misool Eco Resort and Conservation Center in Raja Ampat have uncovered a revenue stream to offset research costs: tourism.

?One manta ray can raise $1 million (U.S. dollars) in tourism income over its lifetime,? said Rebecca Pilkington-Vincett, citing a figure contained in the Manta Ray of Hope?report.

PhotoBlog: Raja Ampat archipelago: The world's last paradise

With the blessing of the resort, Pilkington-Vincett and Calvin Beale launched a research project off the surrounding reefs. ?

Last season, the duo raised $32,000 from donations by recreational divers who accompanied them on dives to gather DNA samples and tag the mantas.?

With the money, they have bought three satellite tags and collected numerous DNA samples.? They are sending off the data to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for analysis by a graduate student.?

With online databases such as the?Manta Research Project, where some of Pilkington-Vincett and Beale?s data are logged, or the?Manta Matcher, developed by Marshall and operating much ?like the FBI fingerprint online database,? research on the manta ray has become rooted in a global exchange among scientists and amateurs alike.?

Until its secrets are fully revealed, the manta?s mystique seems guaranteed.?

?I think it?s fascinating,? said Dewar of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, ?that there is such a large and amazing creature that has so many mysteries attached to it.??

Additional research by Le Li, Johanna Armstrong and Yanzhou Liu.

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