Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blackwatch Profiles

Blackwatch Profiles

Blackwatch keeps profiles on all members of the organization. The profiles contain different fields that allows Blackwatch to better select a candidate. The fields are as follows:

Name: Self explanatory, should be first, middle, and last

Service number: One letter and three number, example- C149

Portrait: Include a picture of your character

Appearance: Please describe your character's features that are not included in the portrait.

Psyche Evaluation: Your character's personality evaluated by Blackwatch.

Previous Occupation: Blackwatch members all used to belong to some elite or special forces group. If you have another idea, PM me first.

Rank: Either Officer or Soldier. Can only be one Officer of a squad, and at this time there is only one playable squad.

Specialty: What your Blackwatch member is better trained in. Examples include piloting, APC/Tank operator, flamethrower, heavy weapons, sniper, assault, CQB, ect.

Armor and Equipment: All Blackwatch personnel are required to wear the mandatory uniform. Small customization is allowed. Armor is based off of Prototype 1.

Weaponry: There are not many limits on starting weaponry. Keep in mind you can only carry so much, and at this time your mission is scouting, so if you are a heavy weapons guy you might not want to grab too big a gun until scouting turns to war. Load outs can be changed from either base, off bodies, or from a supply drop. If you want to browse, here is a good source:

History: Where you were before being recruited, and why Blackwatch did recruit you.

RP Sample: Just give a one paragraph skit of your guy. Doesn't have to have really happened.

Code: Select all

[size=100]Service Number:[/size]



[size=1000]Psyche Evaluation:[/size]

[size=100]Previous Occupation:[/size]

[size=100]Rank: [/size]

[size=100]Specialty: [/size]

[size=100]Armor and Equipment: [/size]



[size=100]RP Sample:[/size]


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